Premier Model Railways buy good quality model trains from including rolling stock, engines, coaches, carriages and wagons.
Boxed and unboxed. All makes and models will be considered.
If you would like to sell your items e-mail Grant or call 07901 656804
Please Note: The items in these photos are not for sale and meant for examples only.
Westward 4mm Model Kit WK22 Bulleid West Country Class Locomotive
Keyser Model Kits LNER P2 2-8-2 Locomotive
Keyser Brass and White Metal Kits GWR 63xx Class Mogul Locomotive and Tender Kit
Millholme Models Goldcast Series LNER A2/3 and A2/2 Class 4-6-2 Locomotive
Millholme Models Goldcast Series LMS Fowler 2P Locomotive
Millholme Models Goldcast Series LMS Patriot Class 5XP 4-6-0 Locomotive
Modern Traction Kits D7 Clayton D85xx Diesel Locomotive
Modern Traction Kits D17 Class 42 Warship Diesel Locomotive
Modern Traction Kits D15 EE Class 50 Locomotive
DJH Model Kit LMS/BR Lickey Banker 0-10-0 Big Bertha Steam Locomotive
DJH Model Kit CR/LMS/BR Wemyss Bay 4-6-2 Class 944 Tank Locomotive
DJH Model Kit Dunalastair 4-4-0 Locomotive
DJH Model Kit S&DJR/LMS/BR 2-8-0 Locomotive
DJH Model Kit NER. LNER. BRB16 Locomotive and Tender Kit
East Coast Joint Models LNER Thompson Class L1 2-6-4T
East Coast Joint Models GBL41 LNER Gresley Class V4 Locomotive Bantam Cock
D&S Models DS28 GCR/LNER Barnum 60’ Barnum Saloon Coach Model Kit
Mallard Models 422-004 LMS (Ex LNW) 0-6-0T Body and Chassis Model Kit
Nu-Cast Super Detailed Model Kit LNER Y7/NER H/N.C.B 0-4-0T Dock and Industrial Shunter
NU-Cast Super Detailed Model Kit LNER G5/NER 0-4-4 Tank Engine